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Cycle of Dating Abuse

It has been said that dating abuse falls under a common pattern or more specifically a cycle of violence. Where it starts is the actually abuse itself, this is when the partner actually takes part in emotional, sexual, or physical; feeling has thought they must have the power over the spouse. Next, the guilt that the partner feels begins to dwell on him but not about what has been done; the worry of being caught is more of where the attention lies. Third in this cycle are the excuses the abuser may find in order to blame the behavior on the victim, anything in order to get out of taking responsibilities.  After this stage the abuser becomes “normal”, they will charm and seduce the other partner so they will stay in the relationship. The fifth piece to this puzzle is the fantasy or planning phrase, when the abuser begins to think and plan of how to once again start the abuse. In this stage they will do nothing but see what the person has done wrong and how they are going to pay for it. Lastly, the abuser enters the set-up stage where he will or she will create situation in which the abuse he will inflict is justified. 


Because dating abuse has become an increasingly recent social issue the steps that are being taken toward prevention are slowly but surely taking effect to set limits and advances through legislation, enforcement, and proseuction. Some prevention tactics would include the anti-stalking laws and the adoption of spousal rape laws. Most recently, they have begun to let officers do mandatory arrest in order to take the situation out of the victims hand and defuse the fighting. Also with law enforcement, advances with their training and knowledge about dating abuse/ domestic violence has become increased important. Lastly, the most important way to prevent this social issue is to be able to recognize the signs; without help from outside sources it become very difficult to be removed from this type of relationship.


 The many factors that correlate together in order to create the social issue of dating abuse is headed by the most influential and dangerous, alcohol.  Aside from this, such events like stress from work or lack thereof work and lastly from problems within the relationship.  Another factor that contributes to the issue largely is the self-esteem and self-worth of the offender as well as the victim. The offenders that are rich in immaturity, dependency, and insecurity feel as though they must have control over another person, so they pick those who may be unable to defend themselves physically and verbally. More specifically they may choice someone who have “learned helplessness”, the act of not being to help or dependent on yourself. What each partner may bring to the relationship such as income, education, and even personality qualities; this could include verbal skills, outspoken, and anger issues. Lastly, history of domestic or family violence has shown to directly affect future relationships. 


 The social issue of dating abuse isn’t caused by not just one but many aggressive factors. From the most obvious such as alcohol and drugs, to the education and mental stability of both parties. Considering this, among the average couple who is experiencing some sort of abuse within their relationship only around 30% will have tried to seek help. So if they are unwilling to speak up for themselves, as outsiders we need to be aware of the most important prevention method which is being able to recognize the signs.

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